Creating Highly Selective Organic Surfaces using Self-assembly:
A New Family of Organothiols

Who: Ralf Arnold, Andreas Terfort, Christof Wöll

Where: Report at the "47th International Symposium of the American Vacuum Society"

When: 02.-06.10.2000, Boston

The creation of organic surfaces with specific properties via the adsorption of correspondingly functionalized organothiols has recently attracted considerable interest, e.g. in the context of bio-sensors and biomimetics. In case of alkanethiols some functional groups, however, interact so strongly with each other that the ordering within the SAMs is affected, e.g. in the case of -COOH functional groups. The situation can be improved by using more rigid backbones, e.g. oligophenyl units. With regard to biochemical applications in many cases the distance between adjacent organothiol units (4.97 Å) is too small to immobilize larger molecules, e.g. small proteins. In the past these problems could be overcome in some cases by diluting the functionalized organothiol in a shorter, nonfunctionalized thiol. Here, we present a different approach where a more bulky thiol is used, which increases the nearest neighbor distance. We will present the results of a study using several homologues of triptycenethiols. SAMs formed from these compounds were characterized by using XPS, IRRAS, NEXAFS, LEED and TDS. The results reveal the formation of well ordered monolayers, which are anchored to the gold surface in a more distant lateral structure than alkane- or p-terphenylthiols.

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